Health, Disability and Social Issues

Our professional services for our disability, health and social issues clients include:

  • Creating successful branding, positioning and communications strategies

  • Developing and tailoring effective messages

  • Connecting opinion leaders with critical media

  • Fostering credibility and earned media opportunities through opinion research

  • Creating cause-related partnerships and sponsorships

  • Spearheading crisis communications plans

The complexity and growth of health and disability issues challenge all communicators almost as much as policymakers, consumer activists, and expert marketers. It is now estimated that there are over 54 million Americans with disabilities. When family, friends and caregivers are brought into the equation of those concerned with disability and health issues, it is estimated communicators will reach no fewer than four in every ten consumers.

Other social issues have grown to significant prominence – and frequently influence the marketplace as well as provoke national debates from Capitol Hill to backyard barbecues. These debates may range from the future of stem cell research to the relationship rights of same-sex couples, or the public’s open access to federally funded medical research.

At Witeck Communications, we have defined our core expertise through our experience in strategic and social communications and marketing. By combining our marketing communications skills with our public relations expertise, we offer a comprehensive approach to managing social communications marketing strategies. In our experience, corporations as well as non-profit organizations find maximum benefit from such a two-pronged approach.

Advocates on disability ask what steps society can take to accommodate and make their way more welcoming and accessible. Consumers question whether a company shares its values about fairness and nondiscrimination when it comes to those with disabilities. Companies grapple with backlash and boycott threats when they do not positively portray or serve people with disabilities and health concerns. Medical researchers must communicate carefully to balance the realities of science with the heightened expectations of patients. Foundations must straddle media interest through their investments in social causes and public education campaigns.

Managing these issues and communicating sensitively to stakeholders and the media is demanding for everyone. It shapes the public debate while enabling our society to make critical and compassionate choices. We believe that influencing these outcomes is one of the most profound challenges we tackle for our clients.

Helping You Navigate Disability and Health Issues

America’s Disability Market at a Glance

Capturing your Share of the $220 Billion Disability Market